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The combtooth blenny

The combtooth blenny, otherwise called the striped tooth blenny or the striped blenny, is a little and bright fish that is tracked down in coral reefs all through the Indo-Pacific locale. Notwithstanding its little size, the combtooth blenny is known for its exceptional way of behaving and fascinating actual qualities, making it a famous subject of study for sea life scholars and a number one among aquarium fans. Appearance and Actual Qualities: The combtooth blenny is a generally little fish, with the typical grown-up estimating somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 crawls long. It has a thin, stretched body that is canvassed in little, bright stripes of blue, yellow, and dark. Its most unmistakable element is its enormous teeth, which are utilized for guard and for catching little prey. The teeth are situated on the facade of the lower jaw and can be broadened and withdrawn freely. Conduct and Territory: The combtooth blenny is normally tracked down in shallow coral reefs, where it can t